Woman arrested after allegedly stabbing one of her boyfriends to death

Showbiz TodaY


A lady simply identified as Gift has been arrested for stabbing her boyfriend, Eghosa, to death after he caught her with another man.

It was reported that the incident happened on Monday, October 24 at Imafidon Street, Egor, Benin, Edo State.

Reports indicate that the unfortunate incident happened after the deceased caught her with another man at his residence and confronted her about it.

“The deceased is my uncle. She had visited his compound to see another man and she was caught. Eghosa accosted her and it led to an argument. Before eyewitnesses knew what was happening, she picked up a knife from his kitchen and stabbed him in the neck.

“He passed on and she was almost sent to hell’s gate by neighbours who saw what had happened. The irate eyewitnesses handed her over to security personnel while the deceased’s corpse was moved to the morgue,” the source narrated.

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