Akufo-Addo intervenes in dismissal of eight Chiana SHS students

Showbiz TodaY

 The president has directed the Ghana Education Service (GES) to consider an alternative disciplinary action against the students.

President Akufo-Addo has intervened in the disciplinary action taken against the eight students of the Chiana Senior High School.

The Minister of Education has, therefore, directed the Ghana Education Service (GES) to consider an alternative disciplinary action against the students. A statement by the Ghana Education Service (GES) said, “… the Minister for Education Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum has directed the Ghana Education to consider an alternative disciplinary action instead of dismissal”.

Read the statement below:

The Ghana Education Service (GES) dismissed the eight female students of the Chiana Senior High School in the Kassena-Nankana West District of the Upper East Region for making derogatory statements against President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The second-year students, the GES statement said, used vulgar and unprintable words on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in a viral video late last year.

The dismissal of the students followed an investigation into the case. Prior to the dismissal, the students had been on suspension. 

The GES, in the dismissal letter addressed to parents of the students, described their conduct as very undesirable, and contrary to the acceptable standards of the conduct generally required of any student in Ghana’s educational system.

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