Nana Agradaa sued for sharing nude pictures of a Prophet

Showbiz TodaY

The founder of the Heaven Way Champion International Ministry Patricia Asiedua also known as Nana Agradaa has been arraigned again and charged for sharing nude pictures of a Prophet.

She however pleaded not guilty to the charge before the Circuit Court 10 presided over by Her Honour Mrs Evelyn Asamoah on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.

Four others including Enock Owusu Kissi, 33, Charles Omane alias One Gig, 39, Emmanuel Kofi Gyasi, 47, and one Andy currently at large were also charged for Abetment of crime namely; non-consensual sharing of intimate image.

Kissi (2nd Accused) and Omane (3rd Accused) who were present in court pleaded not guilty while Emmanuel Kofi Gyasi (4th Accused) was absent. The fifth Accused said to be Andy (5th Accused) is at large.

According to the Complainant, Emmanuel Appiah Fomum sometime in 2020 Patricia Asieduwaa who was the owner of a TV station called ‘Thunder TV’ hosted a programme on her TV station and intentionally showed his naked pictures of the complainant on live TV.

He added that Nana Agradaa made mockery of him with all the other accused persons who were panelist on the said programme encouraging her on the course.

He said the said programme was also streamed live on Youtube and Facebook where a witness, in this case, saw it and informed the complainant about it.

They have since been granted bail in the sum of GHc100,000.00 with three sureties each and expected to reappear on March 8, 2023.

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