‘The second coming’- Osofo Kyiri Abosom set for his 2rd consecutive bid for presidency

Showbiz TodaY

 Osofo Kyiri Abosom has announced that he will be contesting for the highest seat in Ghana in the upcoming 2024 general elections for the second time.

The founder of the Ghana Union Movement emerged as the third force in the 2020 presidential polls as predicted by many pre-election surveys.

Speaking in a recent interview on the Delay show, Kyiri Abosom said his party has reorganised itself well after the 2020 elections defeat to face the 2024 elections.

Kwabena Andrew who contested in the presidential race for the first time obtained 105,548 votes representing 0.805% out of the 13,119,460 votes cast.

According to him, he is coming to change the narrative of party politics because there are great talents out there who are not seen because of their political affiliations.

The man of God who went into the elections on the ticket of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM) in the presidential election to test that Ghanaians want a new form of leadership although did not win but made a great impact.

Reverend Kyiri Abosom came third in the 2020 polls beating the CPP, PPP, PNC, and other political parties that were in existence before GUM was formed.

Before the general elections, a survey conducted by the Political Science Department of the University of Ghana (UG) placed the Ghana Union Movement third.

He had 1.4% of people saying they will give him their votes.

51.7% out of 11,000 respondents sampled said if elections were held today, they would vote for the governing New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

40.4% of the respondents also said they would vote for the flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama. 

According to the UG Political Science Department, 11,000 respondents were sampled from all 16 regions for the survey. After the results were declared by the Electoral Commission, GUM polled 105,565 votes, representing 0.805%.

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