The Ghana National Fire Service has officially opened the 2024 recruitment portal. This recruitment exercise is exclusively for individuals who purchased application forms for enlistment or recruitment into the Ghana National Fire Service as of September 1, 2021.
This means, no new applications are being accepted. Also, no applicants need to purchase application forms for this exercise.
Interested and qualified applicants who applied in the 2021 recruitment and enlistment exercise should submit the following details via email to recruitment@gnfs.gov.gh:
1. Official Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Place of Birth 4. Reference Number/Tracking Number/PIN from 2021 5. Current Phone Number 6. Current Email Address 7. Previous Screening Center 8. Qualification
In the subject line of your email, indicate your category and screening center from your 2021 application in block letters.
For example:
General Requirements:
An applicant must:
1 Be a Ghanaian by birth.
2 Be of good character.
3 Have no criminal record.
4 Not have been dismissed from any public service or other employment.
5 Be between 18 and 25 years of age.
6 Be at least 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) tall for males and 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) tall for females.
7 Be physically and medically fit according to Ghana National Fire Service standards.
8 Have a minimum of five passes in SSCE/WASSCE, including Mathematics and English, as of December 1, 2021.
9 Be ready to undergo basic training and other forms of training
It should need noted that
1 Successful applicants will be contacted for the next phase of the exercise.
2 This will be followed by body selection and inspection of all relevant documents, including birth certificates, academic certificates, and transcripts. Applicants who qualify will be notified at the screening center.
3 Successful applicants will undergo a medical examination and thorough background checks. Vetting of certificates will continue throughout the process and may extend during and after training.
4 Applicants who successfully pass all stages and have no undesirable background or criminal record will be invited to commence training.
5 Applicants are responsible for their own transportation, feeding, and accommodation throughout the recruitment exercise.
6 Applicants will bear the cost associated with vetting and medical examinations.
7 The Ghana National Fire Service is an equal opportunity employer. There are no middlemen in the recruitment process, and the advertised vacancies are not for sale. Anyone found acting as an agent or middleman or paying/receiving money to act as such is liable for arrest and prosecution. Dealing with such individuals is at the applicant’s own risk.
8 Applicants who present false or fake documents are also liable for arrest and prosecution.
9 Affidavit documentation for change of date of birth will not be accepted