Government To Change The Uniforms Of Basic School Pupils

Showbiz TodaY


The Minister of Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum has said that the government of Ghana will soon change the uniforms of Basic School pupils.

He made this announcement during a public lecture at UPSA auditorium on Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024. According to the minister, there are various speculations on social media which say that the government is only developing the senior high school education and leaving behind basic schools in Ghana. The Minister made it clear that parents will soon beg for their wards to be placed in basic Schools because of there will soon be massive developments.

“I know there are some who are watching from home and around the world are saying that what about basic schools. Have we abandoned them? They say we have abandoned basic schools, children are sitting under trees and we are talking about drones. To them, I have a response. I look forward to a day where our parents will line up in fronts of our public basic schools and beg to enroll their children. That is the day and it will soon come and it has already begun under Nana Akufo Addo‘ he said.

Speaking about the school building of basic schools, the minister said that the colours of basic schools structure will ne changed from brown to blue and white.

You see you don’t see brown and yellow, we are rebranding public basic schools. No more brown and yellow, it’s blue and white and we are changing their uniforms too. This is president Akufo Addo and Dr Mahamudu Bawumia’s Ghana. We have begun the transformation” he added.

On the 23rd of April 2024, a pivotal assembly took place at the UPSA auditorium, bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders from the education sector to delve into the intricacies of the Free Senior High School (FSHS) initiative’s journey thus far.

Among those in attendance were heads of schools, educators, students, parents, local vendors, and various other invested parties, all gathering to partake in an illuminating discourse surrounding the successes and hurdles encountered during the implementation of the Free SHS policy.

In the opening address, the minister extended profound gratitude to all assembled for their steadfast dedication and invaluable contributions to the advancement of the Free SHS policy. He emphasized the government’s resolute commitment to tackling the lingering challenges and ensuring equitable access to quality education for every Ghanaian child.

Throughout a dynamic panel discussion, participants shared poignant anecdotes, insights, and strategic recommendations, offering a multifaceted perspective on the transformative impact of the Free SHS policy on the educational landscape of Ghana.

Looking ahead, he made a solemn vow to sustain close collaboration with all stakeholders, fostering an environment of synergy and mutual support as we collectively navigate the obstacles confronting the education sector. He added that he will endeavor to fortify and refine the Free SHS program, thereby enriching the educational experience and opportunities available to all Ghanaian students.

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